After years of design and development Empire paintball has released the Axe SYX paintball gun. The original Empire Axe was introduced to the paintball community in 2010 and has had a few updates along the way including the Axe Pro and Axe 2.0. This is the latest update in the Axe lineup and this gun is built to throw paint. With all of the most successful features of the previous itterations of Axe guns and some new technology, the Empire SYX is the "6th" update in the series. If you are looking for the best of the best that Empire has to offer then look no further.
If your looking for a gun with a great stock barrel then you will not be disappointed with the 14 inch two piece barrel this gun comes with. With a proper paint to barrel match, you will have ball on ball accuracy. An updated ASA and Regulator will keep your low pressure operation consistent and on point.
Tool-Less bolt removal and disassembly make maintenance and cleaning on the Empire SYX markers easier than ever. You can now have the bolt assembly out, cleaned and re-assembled within a matter of a few minutes. If you need to replace any seals or o-rings, all of them are standard sizes that are very easy to find. Also, the SYX comes in a nice EVA case which includes a small repair/maintenance kit.
If you are a serious tournament player, the Empire SYX will be great on the most brittle paintball so you will get less bounces and more kills. To keep the brittle paint from breaking in the gun, you also have set of laser eyes that will ensure your gun is only shooting if the ball is fully settled in the breech.