Cleaners & Spray

(Showing 12 of 20)

Everyone knows that a paintball mask is a critical piece of field equipment when playing paintball, but everyone hates when their paintball goggles fog up on a humid day. Unless you are willing to purchase a goggle fan, the next best solution to this problem is to always bring an anti-fog paintball lens cleaner with you when go to play paintball. These anti-fog cleaners provide hours of fog-free playing time.

In addition to offering the highest quality anti-fog paintball mask cleaners and sprays on the market, Hustle Paintball also carries a huge selection of microfiber cloths to ensure that you never risk scratching or damaging your lens during cleaning. Remember, NEVER use Windex or any cleaner with Ammonia to clean your mask, you will damage your lens.

Huge Selection of Mask Cleaners and Anti-Fog Sprays for Paintball Goggles On Sale!

Don't See What You're Looking For? Check Out Our Deals On Other Paintball Masks and Protective Gear:

Paintball Masks & Goggles | Paintball Mask Lenses | Paintball Mask Cleaners & Anti-Fog Sprays | Paintball Mask Straps, Ears & Accessories | Paintball Pants | Paintball Jerseys | Paintball Neck Protectors | Padded Paintball Chest Protectors | Paintball Gloves | Paintball Protection & Pads

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